
Simple home dashboard

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Alfred is a simple weather / calendar dashboard, perfect for running on a spare PC / Raspberry Pi hooked up to a screen.

The code is simple... a simple Next.js server and a cron job. Set it up on a linux host running docker and then just open in a browser.

Code is very basic, thrown-together and haphazard. But does the trick!

Screenshot of Alfred in action

How it works

The build.py Python script is called by the cron job and builds the feed.json file. This is regularly loaded by the webpage and used to refresh the data on the screen. The webpage will also detect if you have pulled some new code and refresh the page.

build.py uses uses the Google Calendar API for the calendar which means it supports Family calendars, and https://reddit.com/r/earthporn for the background.


  • Python 3.x (w/ virtualenv and pip)
  • Docker
  • Browser (can be on seperate machine)


cd srcdir

# Install pip requirements
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 env
env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

# Update config
cp config.py.example config.py
vim config.py # Update details

# Build

Setup & run

You'll need to setup Google Calendar credentials

cd srcdir
env/bin/python build.py

# Setup cron job
cp alfred.cron /etc/cron.d/alfred
vim /etc/cron.d/alfred # Fix user and paths

# Wait for first cron run

# Run frontend
docker-compose up -d

# Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser!