
A Lot 20 F/A-18C for FlightGear, Based off of the original F/A-18C from FGUK

Primary LanguageNasal

F/A-18C Hornet

Note: This aircraft is still in development, many features will not work as expected.

McDonnell Douglas F/A-18C Hornet for FlightGear flight simulator


Git Clone (Recommended)

  1. Open Git Bash terminal and cd into the folder directory you would like to install your aircraft onto and make sure the aircraft folder directory is added in FlightGear's Add-ons menu
  2. Type in git clone https://github.com/SammySkycrafts/F-18C.git
  3. If you would like to update the aircraft after a new update is released, change directory (cd) into the aircraft folder and git pull

GitHub Download

  1. Download the zip file by pressing code -> Download ZIP
  2. Unzip the file into your aircraft folder and make sure the aircraft folder directory is added in FlightGear's Add-ons menu
  3. Rename the unzipped folder to "F-18C"

Useful Links

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/SammySkycrafts/F-18C

Discord Development Server: https://discord.gg/5w5yAz576r