
Change display refresh rate via command line on Windows

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This program allows you to dynamically change the refresh rate of your monitor via command line on Windows 7/8/10+.

For example, it can be useful if your cheap-ass monitor makes an annoying squeaky sound when running at the maximum rate and you want to only use that mode while gaming.


RefreshRateSwitcher <displayNum> <refreshRate>

        Numeric index of the display: 0, 1, 2... etc.

        Refresh rate to use for the display, in hertz. Passing 0 will reset it to the default value.


RefreshRateSwitcher 0 144

Example AutoHotkey script - bind RefreshRateSwitcher to a global hotkey:

	RunWait, "C:\Tools\RefreshRateSwitcher.exe" 0 144

	RunWait, "C:\Tools\RefreshRateSwitcher.exe" 0 100