You will find all the code in the server.js file.


  • Go to terminal and run the command npm start for starting the development sever.

  • There are only two routes/URLs.

    • /get-some-cookies --> for getting cookies and
    • /see-some-cookies --> for logging(viewing) those -cookies in the server console.

Lets send our first request and get some cookies.

Send a GET request to this url : http://localhost:3000/get-some-cookies

This is the output:

Sending request and getting cookies

Sending request and getting cookies

So you can see we have got some cookies from the server.And as mentioned in my post they are sent from the server using the Set-cookie http header.

Lets send a second request to the server

Send a GET request to this url : http://localhost:3000/see-some-cookies

Now observe very carefully you are not sending the cookies to the server using the Cookie header. In fact there is no Cookie header.

Sending request and logging cookies

However , if you see the console you will see that the server has received all the cookies. So it works ,cookies are sent to the server, but not the way you want!!

Sending request and logging cookies