Decrypt stored WinSCP Passwords.
Having lost my FTP password, the need quickly arose to recover the password from WinSCP. Browsing some forums on how-to's, all I found were passwordbox-unmaskers, which I strongly dislike. One post from anoopengineer gave his Go implementation of the decryption:
As there was no explanation whatsoever on where this information was coming from, and due to the lack of a Go compiler installed on my machine, I set out to implement the decryption algorithm myself, with help from the WinSCP source code ( -- source).
The code provides references to the corresponding C++ parts, for others to see. Start using:
java Main <hostname> <user> <encryptedstring>
where encryptedstring should be replaced with the registry located at: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Sessions\SESSION NAME\Password] (thanks to anoopengineer)
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