
just a project for a course

Primary LanguageJava


just an algorithm and data structure course project.


The main purpose of the project to use an existing or create a new abstact data structure, so we [Bassam & I] thought its useless to use an existing data structure so we created something between Linked List and Binary Tree as bassam called it "Hybrid" :D

The upper part shows the Link object (Node of the LinkNet) and it has:

  • parent : points the the parent Link
  • previous : points the the previous Link
  • next : points the the next Link
  • firstSubFolder : points the the first Link of serial subfolders (assume it as a Linked List but it isn't)
  • firstSubFile : points the the first Link of serial subfiles

The lower part an example shows how it binds together

LinkNet explanation


import it in an IDE or as you like :)

DIRECTORY: the directory you want to browse
