
Material design compliant dialog for React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Material design compliant dialog components for React Native.

Includes an generic dialog that can contain any view and several pre-styled scenarios.

Javascript-only, uses react-native's Modal component.

Follows the Material Design dialog specification.


Step 1

Install react-native-vector-icons (if you do not already have it)

npm i react-native-vector-icons --save && react-native link react-native-vector-icons

If you have any issues with icons not working or installation of React Native Vector Icons, check out their installation guide here

Step 2

Install react-native-material-dialog

npm install react-native-material-dialog --save

Included components


  • Support for stacked action buttons.
  • Dialog that holds a slider.
  • Simple dialog component that accepts a string as content and styles it.

More examples

See example/App.js


Basic and customizable dialog that can hold any component.

import { MaterialDialog } from 'react-native-material-dialog';

  title={"Use Google's Location Service?"}
  onOk={() => {
  ToastAndroid.show("Pressed OK", ToastAndroid.SHORT);
  this.setState({visible: false})
  onCancel={() => {
  ToastAndroid.show("Pressed CANCEL", ToastAndroid.SHORT);
  this.setState({visible: false})
  <Text style={styles.dialogText}>
    Let Google help apps determine location. This means sending anonymous location
    data to Google, even when no apps are running.


Name Description Default/Required Type
visible shows or hides the dialog required bool
children element to be rendered in the content of the dialog required element
onCancel callback when the dialog is closed or the cancel action is pressed required func
onOk callback when the ok action is pressed undefined func
cancelLabel label for the cancel action 'CANCEL' string
okLabel label for the ok action 'OK' string
title text for the dialog title undefined string
titleColor color of the dialog title 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)' string
colorAccent color of the action text '#51BC78' string
scrolled whether the form is in scrolled mode false bool


Ready to use dialog that allows to choose only one option from a list.

import { SinglePickerMaterialDialog } from 'react-native-material-dialog';

  title={'Pick one element!'}
  items={LIST.map((row, index) => ({ value: index, label: row }))}
  onCancel={() => this.setState({ singlePickerVisible: false })}
  onOk={(result) => {
    this.setState({ singlePickerVisible: false });
    this.setState({ singlePickerSelectedItem: result.selectedItem });
  }} />


Name Description Default/Required Type
visible shows or hides the dialog required bool
items list of options to choose from required array of objects with a 'label' and 'value' property
selectedItem item that will be selected when opening the dialog required object with a 'label' and 'value' property
onCancel callback when the dialog is closed or the cancel action is pressed required func
onOk callback when the ok action is pressed undefined func
cancelLabel label for the cancel action 'CANCEL' string
okLabel label for the ok action 'OK' string
title text for the dialog title undefined string
titleColor color of the dialog title 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)' string
colorAccent color of the action text '#51BC78' string
scrolled whether the form is in scrolled mode false bool


Ready to use dialog that allows to choose several options from a list.

import { MultiPickerMaterialDialog } from 'react-native-material-dialog';

  title={"Pick some elements!"}
  items={LIST.map((row, index) => {
    return {value: index, label: row}
  onCancel={() => this.setState({multiPickerVisible: false})}
  onOk={(result) => {
    this.setState({multiPickerVisible: false});
    this.setState({multiPickerSelectedItems: result.selectedItems});


Name Description Default/Required Type
visible shows or hides the dialog required bool
items list of options to choose from required array of objects with a 'label' and 'value' property
selectedItems items that will be selected when opening the dialog required array of objects with a 'label' and 'value' property
onCancel callback when the dialog is closed or the cancel action is pressed required func
onOk callback when the ok action is pressed undefined func
cancelLabel label for the cancel action 'CANCEL' string
okLabel label for the ok action 'OK' string
title text for the dialog title undefined string
titleColor color of the dialog title 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)' string
colorAccent color of the action text '#51BC78' string
scrolled whether the form is in scrolled mode false bool
