
React admin for CURD activities on Android/IOS app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Node >=6.x

#Setup Instructions

  1. git clone https://github.com/sandeepsunia/React-Admin-for-App.git
  2. cd React-Admin-for-App
  3. git checkout master
  4. npm install -g yarn
  5. yarn
  6. if PhantomJs error comes then
  7. npm install
  8. yarn run dev
  9. if node-sass error comes
  10. npm rebuild node-sass
  11. yarn run dev
  12. Need backend for Data Apis Format for CSV upload:
  13. Fields in the csv should be in fixed order.
  14. Csv should include header (first line with field names as below).
  15. Order - email,name,affiliation,title,contact,speaker,bio,picture,password
  16. Default password for all users is 'nystar2017' in case password column is not provided or is empty for a user in csv.