Some common recommendation system baseline, with description and link.
- angelochou0502
- Ard0rAISaint Petersburg
- bakszero@LinkedIn
- caigaojiang
- Climber-L
- DaxChen
- dimichaiAmsterdam, the Netherlands
- DongHyunsons
- elisablex@socialcomplab
- HansiZeng
- HoldenHu
- holman57Arizona State University
- huyson1810UET - VNU
- ibamibrahimFasilkom UI
- IserathoGraz University of Technology
- jamesypeng
- jjzhx1211
- jopuura
- linsocurry
- liuhaifeng0212Nanjing Normal University
- minnnnpppYongin, South Korea
- mkimartinezNairobi
- Mounir007Mandarine Academy
- noaRrickyChengdu Si Chuan China
- nsbits
- ooxxro
- RuihongQiu@UQ
- RuozhenZheng
- shashankg7UvA
- supermanvista
- unicorncup
- viet98lx
- wangxiericUniversity of Sheffield
- wu0607
- ZainZhaoKunMing, YunNan(CN)
- zoulixin93