
Grunt plugin to generate Docker documentation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

build status


Generate your Docker documentation

Getting Started

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-docker

Then add this line to your project's grunt.js gruntfile:



You'll need to install grunt-docker first:

npm install grunt-docker --save-dev

Then modify your grunt.js file by adding the following line:


Then add some configuration for the plugin like so:

  docker: {
    options: {
      // These options are applied to all tasks
    app: {
      // Specify `src` and `dest` directly on the task object
      src: ['path/to/source/files/*.{coffee,js}'],
      dest: 'where/you/want/your/generated/doc/files',
      options: {
        // ...

The default options are:

options: {
  inDir: '.',
  outDir: 'doc',
  onlyUpdated: false,
  colourScheme: 'default',
  ignoreHidden: false,
  sidebarState: true,
  exclude: false,
  lineNums: false,
  js: [],
  css: [],
  extras: []

The options provided above are the defaults configured in Docker and correspond to its CLI.

Then just run grunt docker and enjoy!

Notes on output directory

Docker itself doesn't quite follow Grunt convention, choosing to instead specify an outDir. If you need to output to more than one directory, define a new task; unfortunately, a single Docker object is allocated per-task and can only be used for a single output folder.

Grunt-Docker will figure out the correct outDir property by reading Grunt's interpretation of files.dest. In most cases, this works fine. If you are having issues with relative paths, use options.outDir, instead of files.dest.

If your source files are above the current working directory (starting with ../), you *must* change options.inDir, or your docs will end up in the same folder as the source folders. For example, if my srcproperty were../../src/**/*.js, I would set options.inDirto'../../'.

By default, Grunt-Docker will use files.src = "." and options.outDir = "doc" if they are not provided. src is used in the call to the doc generation as an Array.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Release History


  • Bumped version of Docker to 0.2.10


  • Bumped version of Docker to 0.2.8


  • Upgrade plugin to grunt 0.4.x


  • Fixed dev dependency version for contrib-clean (0.3.0)


  • Updated the docker version to 0.2.3


  • Initial project creation that is working at least for my setup


Copyright (c) 2012 Prevole Licensed under the MIT license.