
DokuWiki plugin InlineJS - allow internal JavaScript and StyleSheet in wiki pages.

Primary LanguagePHP

DokuWiki plugin InlineJS

Allow adhoc internal JavaScript and StyleSheet in wiki pages.


Embedding inline JavaScript (Use uppercase tags if you need to enclose block level elements.)

... javascript...  (block type output)

<js>... javascript...</js>  (output does not break paragraph)

... style sheet...  (block type output)

Let some library files preloaded in specific DokuWiki pages

/path/to/some.js     # depends on document root of web server
<script src="http://example.com/javascript.js"></script>         # external JavaScript
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://example.com/css?key=value">  # external css
  ... css rule-set ...

Licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL) version 2

More information is available:

(c) 2014-2019 Satoshi Sahara <sahara.satoshi@gmail.com>