
git basics

If this is your first time using git, check out the official page (or just google for the basic commands):

If you don't like using the command line, here is a list of nice GUI clients:

basic repo guidlines

  • Please do not commit anything that is not necessary to compile the code from a Makefile.
  • avoid any binary files (please add any file extensions to the .ginignore that are not there yet)
  • including MS office files or anything else that is not .txt, unless absolutely necessary (just throw them in the Dropbox)
  • Always comment on commits!
  • Please try not to push code that does not compile/run to master
  • if you're doing something experimental, you're better of branching first

2012 branch

I've created a '2012' branch - its there purely for reference, in case someone wants to check what the code looked like back then. Commit all new changes for this year's project to 'master' or other branches.