
AWS IoT + Alexa Skill + OpenVPN Integration

Primary LanguagePython

AWS IoT + Alexa Skill + OpenVPN Integration (As A Code)

AWS IoT + Alex Skill + AWS Lambda + NordVPN + Rasperry PI WiFI Router

Objective: use Amazon Alexa to control a WiFi network secured by NordVPN, eveything should be done As a Code


  • Alexa skill pushes a "country name" to an AWS IoT Shadow QUEUE (MQTT) [Check Alexa-Skill folder]
  • Python daemon running in a Raspberry PI consumes mesage from th e AWS IoT Shadow QUEUE [Check Service folder], creates a new openvpn configuration with servers selected using the country provided and openvpn is restarted


  • skill.json : amazon alexa skill definition

TODO: Alexa Skill should be creted as a code


NodeJS code to process Alexa Skill (this will be deployed by terraform/lambda)


Python daemon to process messages sent by the alexa skill and restart openvpn with the new configuration


Create AWS Lambda function to be use as alexa skill


Create AWS IoT Device


Create AWS Lambda to be used by the Alexa Skill


Setup raspberry pi (AP and OpenVPN installation)