
Unspeakably Evil Hacks in Service of Marginally Improved Syntax - "Compile-Time" Python Programming

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Unspeakably Evil Hacks in Service of Marginally Improved Syntax

Delivered at 2:00 PM on Sat Feb 6 2016.

Running the Slides

To run the slides, check out the repo and run:

$ pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper # Skip if you already have these. $ git submodule init && gitsubmodule update # Clone vendored forks of pyxl3 and RISE. $ mkvirtualenv -p $(which python3) pytenn2016 $ source run.sh # It's important that you source here rather than just invoking ./run.sh!

If you want to install the (somewhat more complex) compiled dependencies for slides referencing numba and Cython, you should run:

$ pip install -e .[extra]

before sourcing run.sh. This command may fail depending on whether you have the requisite non-Python binary dependencies (e.g. LLVM or ATLAS/BLAS) installed. The correct way to acquire binary dependencies varies from platform to platform. Consult the docs for numba for instructions on installation for your platform of choice.

This should start install all the necessary dependencies into a Python 3 virtualenv named pytenn2016 and start a Jupyter Notebook server with the LiveReveal extension installed and running.