- 12
- 1
IInitializable not working in subcontainers
#626 opened by Xonoroff - 4
[Question] How to inject into ScriptableObject
#593 opened by Heeeeeeju - 1
- 5
Testing Signal bindings
#592 opened by cpetry - 3
[Question]How to use nsubstitute with zenject?
#598 opened by loverainstm - 8
WithKernel and multiple IInitializables
#574 opened by yacuzo - 2
Project Context does not work without scene context
#607 opened by dharness - 5
baking broken in 8.0.0
#603 opened by extrawurst - 1
How do I determine if a signal is declared?
#629 opened by pajama - 1
Cannot resolve method: GetStream(Type,object)
#617 opened by NoxMortem - 1
Breaking Signal API
#609 opened by poe84it - 1
PrecompiledAssemblyException: Multiple precompiled assemblies with the same name Zenject-usage.dll included for the current platform. Only one assembly with the same name is allowed per platform.
#619 opened by StefanDieckmann - 1
Zenject 6.6.0 UWP compilation error
#621 opened by reflexing - 1
Create extension using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions
#627 opened by schodemeiss - 0
- 1
(Solved: Nope it's my own code) Zenject crashing Unity Editor, maybe it's related with injecting values to class
#620 opened by tkaczz - 1
WhenInjectedInto not working with generics
#618 opened by Xonoroff - 1
Add support for custom package registry
#613 opened by olegmrzv - 4
Crash when validating scene in Unity 2019.1.0b1
#601 opened by schodemeiss - 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
Inject running on disabled gameobjects
#588 opened by MarcusChamberlain - 1
Runtime iOS error
#606 opened by Druzhino - 4
Initializing a Subcontainer using PrefabFactory
#594 opened by pajama - 0
- 0
- 2
- 1
ZenjectIntegrationTestFixture, line 70, Assert.IsNull(_sceneContext) assertion fail
#597 opened by Maesla - 1
FromComponentInNewPrefab(...).AsSingle() does not maintain a singleton instance - creates multiple
#596 opened by henriqueranj - 1
MissingReferenceException in MonoPoolableMemoryPool.OnDespawned(T item) when exiting play mode
#599 opened by taylank - 0
Possible bug where unbind does not remove binding data
#600 opened by grofit - 5
Signal declaration withId outside installers
#587 opened by JJCaballeroSt - 0
- 2
Unable to run Play mode tests in player/device
#577 opened by Vangaorth - 1
- 1
Cannot inject Collider types
#582 opened by jm991 - 1
Cannot bind System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
#583 opened by nexxogen - 1
- 1
[Unity 2018.3.x] Obsolete editor functions
#586 opened by jianmingyong - 2
- 2
Null is getting injected into factories
#589 opened by Rhast0r - 4
Use WhenInjectedInto with ListBindings.
#571 opened by hyhou - 0
- 1
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- 5
Signals between sibling containers
#570 opened by yacuzo - 3
NonLazy doesn't seem to work with non generic types
#573 opened by tertle - 0
SceneTestFixture does not return correct SceneContainer when scene changes during test
#572 opened by svermeulen