
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/xadd-inference

Primary LanguagePostScript

xadd-inference -- Implementation of Extended ADDs (XADDs) and 
                  XADD-based inference algorithms.

Copyright (C) 2010, Scott Sanner (ssanner [@] gmail.com)
                    Karina Valdivia Delgado (karinaval [@] gmail.com)

License: MPL 1.1 (with exceptions for 3rd party software & data)

		 The Java interface to LPSolve
		 is included for the user's convenience.  LPSolve 
		 uses an LGPL license:

		 Also includes a 2D Java plotting package in PlotPackage.jar available here:

Basic Installation and Invocation

xadd-inference/ provides the following subdirectories:

    src   All source code (.java files)
    bin   All binaries (.class files)
    lib   All 3rd party libraries (.jar files)
    files All supplementary files 

Always ensure that all .jar files in lib/ are included in your
CLASSPATH for both Java compilation and at Java runtime.  

We highly recommend that you use Eclipse for Java development:


In Eclipse the CLASSPATH libraries can be set via 

    Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries Tab

For running this code from a terminal, we provide two scripts

    run     For Windows/Cygwin and UNIX/Linux systems
    run.bat For the Windows CMD prompt

You can pass up to 10 arguments to these scripts as required.

Using the XADD-based Continuous MDP Solver

**LPSolve and GraphViz should be installed on your system.  See 
below for instructions on installing each.

For an example to start with, try running
  ./run camdp.CAMDP src/camdp/ex/discact/knapsackM.cmdp 2 false false
which runs value iteration on the problem


for two iterations.  Numerous other CMDP examples including those  
with continuous actions can be found in 


Installing LPSolve

LPSolve requires binaries appropriate for the user's system, 
e.g., Windows requires lpsolve55j.dll.  To obtain these binaries, 
please consult:

To verify it is installed correctly, run


and ensure that there are no errors (LPSolve provides verbose
output about it's solution, but these are not errors).

NOTE: Windows users simply need to copy 3 files "lp_solve.exe", 
      "lpsolve55.dll" and "lpsolve55j.dll" to C:\Windows

GraphViz Visualization

To enable Java Graphviz visualization:

- Download and install GraphViz v2.28 on your system:
  Historical versions (2.28) are located here:

- Make sure "dot" and "neato" (including ".exe" if running on Windows)
  are in your PATH, i.e., you can execute them from any home directory

Run graph.Graph.main() and verify that a cleanly formatted Java window
displaying a graph appears.  If so then other code which uses the
Graph class should run properly.