-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***THE CODE The code has four main packages. 1. rmit.agent.generation.templates This package contains templates for defining agent structures. They are 'nested' i.e., an agent template contains plan and goal templates, a plan template contains a context condition template, a body method template, etc, a body method template contains a set of goal-posting templates, etc. This pattern goes all the way down to a 'code line' template for creating an arbitrary line of code or declaration. Aside from missing constructs (e.g. Actions), there are some problems here at the moment: - the templates are tied in with JACK and Java (templates define class names, packages, imports, jack file extensions, etc) - for some reason which I can't remember, the classes are all immutable. This makes the code quite hard to follow! But I don't think that fixing these will be much of a problem. 2. rmit.agent.generation.generators This package contains the classes which actually instantiate and populate the templates. At the moment there are three types of generators, defined by three interfaces: - AgentGenerator - GPFGenerator (i.e. a goal-plan forest generator) - BeliefSetGenerator These generators can be used independently or nested as desired. In this package there some (very simple) generator implementations: BasicAgentGenerator, BasicGPFGenerator, RandomGPFGenerator, etc. For example the BasicGPFGenerator takes a few parameters such as depth, branching factors, a BeliefSetGenerator, etc, and produces a set of goal- plan trees with those properties. The RandomGPFGenerator is similar but randomly chooses depth, etc, from a specified range. 3. rmit.agent.generation.writers Code for writing templates to disc (i.e., as JACK code). 4. rmit.agent.generation.compilers - CompilerTools: code for compiling JACK source into Java source, Java source into class files, and packaging stuff into jars. - AgentCompiler: a 'convenience' class which handles some or all of the steps from templates -> jar file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***RUNNING THE CODE The repo is an Eclipse project, so open it in Eclipse! (Also I haven't yet sorted out running this from the command line.) Copy your jack.jar into the 'lib' directory, and add it to the build path. Rather than using command-line parameters, the program uses properties files. Have a look at resources/basic.properties, and resources/random.properties. These files define the generator classes to be used and the parameters that they require. Run TestMain. A directory called temp_[random_number] will be created, containing jack, java, class and jar files. At the moment TestMain is hard-coded to read from resources/basic.properties, but of course this can be changed.
Generates synthetic BDI agents (Agents, Goal Plan Forrests, and Beliefsets)