
Tool to generate the GH pages for ssbc repos

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ssbc site generator

A tool to generate the GH pages for ssbc repos. Requires the latest node because it uses es6 features, such as template-strings and generators.


  • Clone this repo, eg to ~/ssbc-sitegen.
  • Go to the repo you want to update, and open the gh-pages branch.
  • Run ~/ssbc-sitegen/index.js <repo>
  • Commit any updated assets


cd ~/patchwork
git checkout gh-pages
~/ssbc-sitegen/index.js patchwork

File structure

Each repo has a folder under ./repos, plus an entry in the REPOS constant in ./index.js. The JS files in the repo folder are templates.

The build-tool will iterate all .JS and .TXT files under ./repo/<repo>/* and write the output to cwd. The output-file is the file, minus the .js or .txt extension. Therefore, index.html.js will output index.html.

The build-tool also iterates and outputs all JS files under ./common.

Note, most templates will pull from markdown files in the cwd, such as README.md.

Template files

The JS files are template files. They should export a generator which yields the output. They are passed the object that's exported by ./gen.js, which gives them access to build utilities and partials.

The TXT files are copied without changes.