
:ramen: Minimalist Jekyll Template

Primary LanguageCSS

Indigo Minimalist Jekyll Template - Demo


This is a simple and minimalist template for Jekyll for those who likes to eat noodles.

What has inside?


  1. Install Jekyll
  2. Install NodeJS
  3. Install Bundler
  4. Fork the project Indigo
  5. Edit _config.yml with your data.
  6. bundle install
  7. npm install
  8. gulp
  9. open in your browser: http://localhost:3000


You have to fill some informations on _config.yml to customize your site.

name: John Doe
bio: 'A Man who travels the world eating noodles'
picture: 'assets/images/profile.jpg'

url: http://YOURUSER.github.io
# like: http://sergiokopplin.github.io
permalink: /:title/

analytics: 'UA-MYANALYTICS'
disqus: mydisqus
facebook: myfacebook
twitter: mytwitter
instagram: myinstagram
linkedin: mylinkedin
youtube: myyoutube
spotify: myspotify
github: mygithub
email: myemail@gmail.com

If you want pagination:

paginate: 5
paginate_path: "blog/:num/"

If you have some projects:

projects: true



Tell me on github or open a issue GitHub Issue.


MIT Licença © Sérgio Kopplin