Terrform with terraform-libvirt-provider

A terraform image with the terraform-libvirt-provider pre-installed for interacting with KVM/libvirt hosts.

This is provided ontop of the debian:buster official image.


Uses a multi-stage build to get the terraform binary and build the terraform-provider-libvirt binary.

It installs a mkisofs wrapper because the provider requires this for building cloud-init ISOs.


docker-compose build

## Usage

The docker-compose file mounts the current working dir into the assumed /opt/project working directory. This can be configured via the docker-compose volumes field.

docker-compose run --rm terraform <command>


docker-compose run --rm terraform plan -out tf.plan


It is likely you will need to mount your SSH private key into the container, if using qemu+ssh:// schema as well as potentially re-configure SSH to ignore known hosts file etc

# ssh_config
Host *
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
# docker-compose.yaml
    - .:/opt/project
    - ~/terraform_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa:ro
    - ./ssh_config:/root/.ssh/config:ro