
This role installs the community foreman plugin ForemanFogProxmox to provide Proxmox as Compute Resource in a Red Hat Satellite

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

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This role installs the community foreman plugin ForemanFogProxmox to provide Proxmox as Compute Resource in a Red Hat Satellite

NOTE: This role is not intended for production Red Hat Satellite deployments as usage of a community plugin can render your support obsolete. It is merely ment for a home-lab depployment scenario.

Role Variables

variable default required description
foreman_repo_base_url 'https://yum.theforeman.org/plugins' false base URL of the Foreman plugin repository
foreman_repo_name 'foreman-community-plugins' false name of the repository created on the Satellite host
foreman_repo_file '{{ foreman_repo_name }}' false file of the repository created on the Satellite host
foreman_repo_description 'Forman community plugins' false description of the repository created on the Satellite host
foreman_proxmox_package 'rubygem-foreman_fog_proxmox' false name of the package which provides the Proxmox compute resource
foreman_protector_plugin_name 'foreman-protector' false name of the foreman-protector to disable during installation of above package
run_satellite_installer true false whether to run the satellite-installer after installing the package


This role depends on the role redhat.satellite_operations.installer (if you are a Red Hat subscriber) or the upstream version theforeman.operations.installer. Should you choose to run the foreman/satellite-installer (run_satellite_installer: true). The role makes use of the common variables which are defined when using redhat.satellite_operations or redhat.satellite.

Used variables from those roles are:

  • satellite_server_url
  • satellite_username
  • satellite_password
  • satellite_validate_certs

Should you use the theforeman.* collections, simply re-assigning the variables could be done to make this role usable for Foreman deployments:

- hosts: 'all'
    satellite_server_url: '{{ foreman_server_url }}'
    - name: 'ansible-role-satellite_proxmox_compute_resource'

Example Playbook

- name: 'Install Proxmox compute resource on a Red Hat Satellite'
  hosts: 'all'
  gather_facts: false
    foreman_repo_base_url: 'https://yum.theforeman.org/plugins'
    foreman_repo_name: 'foreman-community-plugins'
    foreman_repo_file: '{{ foreman_repo_name }}'
    foreman_repo_description: 'Forman community plugins'
    foreman_proxmox_package: 'rubygem-foreman_fog_proxmox'
    foreman_protector_plugin_name: 'foreman-protector'
    - name: 'ansible-role-satellite_proxmox_compute_ressource'

