
This script iterates through all Ansible Collections which are available from the Ansible Automation Hub (console.redhat.com) in both the validated content and the certified content and prints out those collections which have been updated or released within the asked timespan (through --timedelta ).

It provides rudimentary options via a config.yml to only show updates on certain collections, repositories and namespaces

Get started

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 automation_hub_check_collections_update.py <your commandline arguments here>

Possible future plans

  • Make use of environment variables as additional mean of retrieving values such as the API user and password; This is also as preperation for a version that runs in a container
  • Build it as an Ansible Module?!
  • Run it in a container
  • Zabbix integration to get notified about new collection updates in a timely manner