Command line utilty to read out data from the AVR Temp Sensor made by Diamex GmbH.
As seen here: http://www.led-genial.de/USB-Temperatur-Sensor-Tester-fuer-DS18B20
- clang (or gcc) in some newer incarnation
- hidapi
Build & Run
- download, build and install hidapi (or 'apt-get install libhidapi-dev' on ubuntu/debian)
- build with:
- Connect the Temp Sensor and run
- MacOS X:
- Linux:
sudo ./tempsense
- Linux (with udev-rule):
- MacOS X:
rootless access on Linux
Create a new group specific for all users, allowed to access the temperature sensor.
$ sudo groupadd --system tempsensor
$ sudo usermod -aG tempsensor $USER
Logout from your current session and login again, to gain the new group privileges.
Create a new udev rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-tempsensor.rules
with the following content:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0480", GROUP="tempsensor"
After writing the file and replugging your temperature sensor, your account should have permissions to access the sensor.
Copyright & License
This code is licensed under the Affero GPL3 License! (c) J. Szpilewski in 2014, js@szpilewski.com