
VMPooler CLI for usage with https://github.com/puppetlabs/vmpooler

Primary LanguageGo

A CLI client for vmpooler server infrastructure.



for usage: clone this project

brew install --HEAD formula/vmpool.rb


For RPM based systems

for usage: clone this project

make srpm

put the srpm in mock against the target you want to build for


List Pools

vmpool list

See what pools are currently available in the infrastructure.

Grab a VM

vmpool grab <pool name>

After you grab the VM, you'll need to use the testing (beaker) private key to access the systems.

Delete a VM

vmpool delete <pool name>

Deleting a VM is good for the overall resource utilization if you're done with the VM. They will be destroyed in 12 hours if you don't remove them before that.

Grabbing multiple VMs

To fetch multiple vms simply provide whatever valid platforms you desire as arguements to the grab command.

For example:

~> vmpool grab debian-7-x86_64 debian-7-x86_64 centos-7-i386
centos-7-i386: qv7uij5ofqj7pqs.delivery.puppetlabs.net

Configuring what vmpooler host you hit

You can export VMPOOL_URL to point to any vmpooler.

By default it points to http://vcloud.delivery.puppetlabs.net/vm.