
OSIAM Docker Image

Primary LanguageShell

OSIAM Docker Image

This project builds a docker image with OSIAM installed and configured ready to use for development purposes. NOTE: This image is for development purposes only! Do not even think about using it in a production-like environment!

Build image with:

mvn clean initialize docker:package

After the build you can tag the new image (named "osiam-docker_osiam-dev") and upload it to the index or a private repository.

docker tag osiam-docker_osiam-dev osiam/dev

Cleanup with:

mvn docker:clean

This project proudly uses docker-maven-plugin by Alex Collins, so see the documentation there for more information.

Installation details

  • resource-server, auth-server, self-administration
  • full postgres as backing service already installed
  • default sample data included

Use the image

Run with:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 5432:5432 osiam-docker_osiam-dev

or in daemon mode with:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 5432:5432 osiam-docker_osiam-dev

This will also bind ports 8080 (tomcat) and 5432 (postgres) on the docker host. Access database with


access OSIAM with


See Next Steps chapter in official docs how to use OSIAM.

Stuff that does not work (TODOs)

  • sending emails (register, change email)
  • convenient retrieval of server logs
  • persisting data in external bind-mounted volume
  • externalizing configuration in external bind-mounted volume
  • automatically pushing the image to the docker index
  • using the puppet module for easy installation