
Parabolized Stability Equations Solver for incompressible flows

Primary LanguagePostScript

PSE: Parabolized Stability Equations Solver

This solves the incompressible Parabolized Stability Equations (PSE).

While the code support both linear and nonlinear analysis, the nonlinear capability is currently deactivated in the main src directory since it uses either CRAY or SGI FFT routines that must now be replaced (ideally with FFTW).

There is also usage of deprecated LINPACK routines that should be replaced by LAPACK.

Finally, the build uses a couple of commercially licensed routines from Numerical-Recipes in FORTRAN that are turned on using

How to Build

ln -s gcc.mak Makefile
make USE_NR=1 

Note that the Numerical-Recipies code is not distributed with PSE and can only be used by use under the terms of the commercial license. It would be great to strip out this NR code and it would be easy to do so... This is left as as project for a future developer.

Directory structure

Directory Description
src production version of PSE code
dev development version of PSE code (may not be stable)
howard test case on Howard's airfoil
parallel test cases on parallel boundary layers
nonpar Nonparallel flow version
notes Code notes and users guide

S. Scott Collis