
ZetaChain’s blockchain node and an observer validator client

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


ZetaChain is an EVM-compatible L1 blockchain that enables omnichain, generic smart contracts and messaging between any blockchain.


  • Go 1.20
  • Docker and Docker Compose (optional, for running tests locally)
  • buf (optional, for processing protocol buffer files)
  • jq (optional, for running scripts)

Components of ZetaChain

ZetaChain is built with Cosmos SDK, a modular framework for building blockchain and Ethermint, a module that implements EVM-compatibility.

  • zeta-node (this repository) contains the source code for the ZetaChain node (zetacored) and the ZetaChain client (zetaclientd).
  • protocol-contracts contains the source code for the Solidity smart contracts that implement the core functionality of ZetaChain.

Building the zetacored/zetaclientd binaries

For the Athens 3 testnet, clone this repository, checkout the latest release tag, and type the following command to build the binaries:

make install

to build.

This command will install the zetacored and zetaclientd binaries in your $GOPATH/bin directory.

Verify that the version of the binaries match the release tag.

zetacored version
zetaclientd version

Making changes to the source code

After making changes to any of the protocol buffer files, run the following command to generate the Go files:

make proto

This command will use buf to generate the Go files from the protocol buffer files and move them to the correct directories inside x/. It will also generate an OpenAPI spec.

Generate documentation

To generate the documentation, run the following command:

make specs

This command will run a script to update the modules' documentation. The script uses static code analysis to read the protocol buffer files and identify all Cosmos SDK messages. It then searches the source code for the corresponding message handler functions and retrieves the documentation for those functions. Finally, it creates a messages.md file for each module, which contains the documentation for all the messages in that module.

Running tests

To check that the source code is working as expected, refer to the manual on how to run the E2E test.


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Creating a Release Candidate

Creating a release candidate for testing is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:


  • Step 1. Create the release candidate tag with the following format (e.g., vx.x.x-rc) ex. v11.0.0-rc.
  • Step 2. Once a RC branch is created the automation will kickoff to build and upload the release and its binaries.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create a release candidate for QA and validation. In the future we will make this automatically deploy to a testnet when a -rc branch is created. Currently, raising the proposal to deploy to testnet is a manual process via GovOps repo.

Creating a Release / Hotfix Release

To create a release simply execute the publish-release workflow and follow the steps below.


  • Step 1. Go to this pipeline: https://github.com/zeta-chain/node/actions/workflows/publish-release.yml
  • Step 2. Select the dropdown branch / tag you want to create the release with.
  • Step 3. In the version input, include the version of your release. Note. The major version must match what is in the upgrade handler.
  • Step 4. Select if you want to skip the tests by checking the checkbox for skip tests.
  • Step 5. Once the testing steps pass it will create a Github Issue. This Github Issue needes to be approved by one of the approvers: kingpinXD,lumtis,brewmaster012

Once the release is approved the pipeline will continue and will publish the releases with the title / version you specified in the user input.

Full Deployment Guide for Zetacored and Bitcoin Nodes

This guide details deploying Zetacored nodes on both ZetaChain mainnet and Athens3 (testnet), alongside setting up a Bitcoin node for mainnet. The setup utilizes Docker Compose with environment variables for a streamlined deployment process.

Deploying Zetacored Nodes

Launching a Node

For Mainnet:

  • Use the make command with a specified Docker tag to initiate a mainnet Zetacored node.
    make mainnet-zetarpc-node DOCKER_TAG=ubuntu-v14.0.1

For Athens3 (Testnet):

  • Similar command structure for Athens3, ensuring the correct Docker tag is used.
    make testnet-zetarpc-node DOCKER_TAG=ubuntu-v14.0.1

Modifying the Sync Type

To change the sync type for your node:

  • Edit docker-compose.yml in contrib/{NETWORK}/zetacored/.
  • Set RESTORE_TYPE to your desired method (snapshot, snapshot-archive, statesync).

Zetacored Environment Variables

Variable Description
DAEMON_HOME Daemon's home directory (/root/.zetacored).
NETWORK Network identifier: mainnet or athens3 (for testnet).
RESTORE_TYPE Node restoration method: snapshot, snapshot-archive, statesync.
SNAPSHOT_API API URL for fetching snapshots.
TRUST_HEIGHT_DIFFERENCE_STATE_SYNC Trust height difference for state synchronization.
CHAIN_ID Chain ID for the network.
VISOR_NAME Visor software name, typically cosmovisor.
DAEMON_NAME Daemon software name, zetacored.
DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES Enable daemon to download binaries.
DAEMON_RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE Restart daemon after software upgrade.
UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP Skip backup during potentially unsafe operations.
CLIENT_DAEMON_NAME Client daemon name, such as zetaclientd.
CLIENT_DAEMON_ARGS Extra arguments for the client daemon.
CLIENT_SKIP_UPGRADE Skip client software upgrade.
CLIENT_START_PROCESS Begin client process start-up.
MONIKER Node's moniker or nickname.
RE_DO_START_SEQUENCE Restart node setup from scratch if necessary.

Bitcoin Node Setup for Mainnet

Restoring a BTC Watcher Node:

  • To deploy a Bitcoin mainnet node, specify the DOCKER_TAG for your Docker image.
    make mainnet-bitcoind-node DOCKER_TAG=36-mainnet

Bitcoin Node Environment Variables

Variable Description
bitcoin_username Username for Bitcoin RPC.
bitcoin_password Password for Bitcoin RPC.
NETWORK_HEIGHT_URL URL to fetch the latest block height.
WALLET_NAME Name of the Bitcoin wallet.
WALLET_ADDRESS Bitcoin wallet address for transactions.
SNAPSHOT_URL URL for downloading the blockchain snapshot.
SNAPSHOT_RESTORE Enable restoration from snapshot.
CLEAN_SNAPSHOT Clean existing data before restoring snapshot.
DOWNLOAD_SNAPSHOT Download the snapshot if not present.

Docker Compose Configurations

Zetacored Mainnet

version: '3.8'
    platform: linux/amd64
    image: zetachain/zetacored:${DOCKER_TAG:-ubuntu-v14.0.1}
      DAEMON_HOME: "/root/.zetacored"
      NETWORK: mainnet
      RESTORE_TYPE: "snapshot"
      SNAPSHOT_API: https://snapshots.zetachain.com
      CHAIN_ID: "zetachain_7000-1"
      VISOR_NAME: "cosmovisor"
      DAEMON_NAME: "zetacored"
      UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP: "true"
      CLIENT_DAEMON_NAME: "zetaclientd"
      MONIKER: local-test
      RE_DO_START_SEQUENCE: "false"
      - "26656:26656"
      - "1317:1317"
      - "8545:8545"
      - "8546:8546"
      - "26657:26657"
      - "9090:9090"
      - "9091:9091"

      - zetacored_data_mainnet:/root/.zetacored/
    entrypoint: bash /scripts/start.sh

Zetacored Athens3/Testnet

version: '3.8'
    platform: linux/amd64
    image: zetachain/zetacored:${DOCKER_TAG:-ubuntu-v14-testnet}
      DAEMON_HOME: "/root/.zetacored"
      NETWORK: athens3
      RESTORE_TYPE: "snapshot"
      SNAPSHOT_API: https://snapshots.zetachain.com
      CHAIN_ID: "athens_7001-1"
      VISOR_NAME: "cosmovisor"
      DAEMON_NAME: "zetacored"
      UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP: "true"
      CLIENT_DAEMON_NAME: "zetaclientd"
      MONIKER: local-test
      RE_DO_START_SEQUENCE: "false"
      - "26656:26656"
      - "1317:1317"
      - "8545:8545"
      - "8546:8546"
      - "26657:26657"
      - "9090:9090"
      - "9091:9091"
      - zetacored_data_athens3:/root/.zetacored/
    entrypoint: bash /scripts/start.sh

Bitcoin Mainnet Node

version: '3'
    image: zetachain/bitcoin:${DOCKER_TAG:-36-mainnet}
    platform: linux/amd64
      - bitcoin_username=test
      - bitcoin_password=test
      - NETWORK_HEIGHT_URL=https://blockstream.info/api/blocks/tip/height
      - WALLET_NAME=tssMainnet
      - WALLET_ADDRESS=bc1qm24wp577nk8aacckv8np465z3dvmu7ry45el6y
      - SNAPSHOT_URL=https://storage.googleapis.com/bitcoin-rpc-snapshots-prod/bitcoind-mainnet-2024-02-20-00-22-06.tar.gz
      - CLEAN_SNAPSHOT=true
      - bitcoin_data:/root/
      - 8332:8332

Replace placeholders in Docker Compose files and make commands with actual values appropriate for your deployment scenario. This complete setup guide is designed to facilitate the deployment and management of Zetacored and Bitcoin nodes in various environments.