
An API for blogs, written with GraphQL and Sequelize

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Backend for a one-man-blog, written in JavaScript.

It uses Express for the server with Apollo Server Express integration to serve GraphQL requests from a database. It uses Sequelize ORM for interacting with the database. Deployed with Heroku using continuous deployment with Travis. To run locally:

  • Clone this repo or a fork; forking is recommended; Clone your fork with git clone https://github.com/[your GitHub username]/blogQL To clone this repository, replace your username with ssd71(my username)
  • Go to the newly created blogQL directory
  • npm start

Note that it creates a SQLite3 database in the repo directory when working locally.

To make changes:

  • Fork this repository

  • Clone your fork locally and make changes (or just make changes on GitHub if you're not writing code and skip the next two steps)

  • Install required dependencies with npm install

  • Check for errors:

    • Check for errors in Code style(note that this project strictly adheres to Airbnb code style): npm run lint
    • Run tests to ensure core functionality isn't broken: npm test
  • If you've added any new features we strongly suggest writing tests for it! This project uses Jest to run it's unit tests and integration tests.

  • To run the server and see it in action, use npm start and navigate to this page. You can use the GraphiQL playground to send requests to the server.

  • Additionally you can help improve this project by submitting a Pull Request!