
Primary LanguageStylusMIT LicenseMIT


This project was generated with slush-globeapp. Consult its README for more information.

Please note: do not reproduce Boston Globe logos or fonts without written permission.


Clone repo and run yarn.

If pulling from google or methode, run the command(s) below to stay up-to-date:

gulp fetch-google and gulp fetch-methode.

To start the local server, run gulp.

To start a local production server to check how your app will perform in a production environment (without having to deploy to the testing server), run gulp --prod.

Using Apps with Github

Your apps project is not automatically tracked via git. To do this:

  • Initialize git in your project: git init

  • Add and commit changes as needed

  • Start a new repository on Github and follow the instructions to add a remote repository: git remote add origin [remote repository url]

  • Push to your remote repository: git push -u origin master


You can pull copy from either Methode or a Google Doc.


So you want to tussle with Methode huh? You are brave. Fill out config.js like such:

	"methode": {
		"story": [
				"path": "path/to/xml"
				"path": "path/to/another/xml",
				"filename": "name-of-hbs-file"

This pipes text and images from Methode into a handlebar file and downloads the images locally. Objects with a filename string will have their Methode text and images written to a file with a corresponding name; using the example above would result in name-of-hbs-file.hbs. Objects without a filename will be written to methode.hbs.

To insert a graphic partial inside methode, simply create a new p tag and use the convention {{graphic:test}}. Make sure you have the partial src/html/partials/graphic/test.hbs.

Running gulp fetch-methode at any point will pull down the latest.

Methode image options:


Takes a string. The responsive image library you want to use instead of plain old img elements. Possible values include: picturefill, lazy-picturefill. You are responsible for setting up the JavaScript to make them work (simply yarn add picturefill and optionally lazysizes).


imageLibrary: 'lazy-picturefill'


Boolean value true or false to give different images from Methode a distinguising class name.


imageClass: true

Google Doc

Using a shared google doc for all copy for an interactive is recommended. The app uses ArchieML as a micro CMS.

Setup google doc

  • Create a google doc (outside of Globe domain)
  • Publish to web: file -> publish to web
  • Make public: share button -> advanced -> change "private only you can access" to "public on the web"
  • In the address bar, grab the ID
    • ...com/document/d/ 1IiA5a5iCjbjOYvZVgPcjGzMy5PyfCzpPF-LnQdCdFI0 /edit
  • In config.js paste in the ID

If the data is too sensitive or a google doc is overkill, you can update data/copy.json directly.

Running gulp fetch-google at any point will pull down the latest.


The only two fonts loaded by default are Miller regular and Benton bold. To load additional fonts you must add info to two places. Follow the current examples in the existing files.

  • src/css/config.styl
  • src/js/critical.js

In config.styl:


In critical.js:

	{ family: 'Benton', suffix: 'regular'},

To set a font, simply add the class name to the element following the pattern '.family-style' (ex. .benton-regular)

Available fonts:

  • { family: 'Miller', suffix: 'regular'} - .miller-regular
  • { family: 'Miller', suffix: 'regular'} - .miller-bold
  • { family: 'Miller-Banner', suffix: 'regular'} - .miller-banner-regular
  • { family: 'Miller-Banner', suffix: 'italic'} - .miller-banner-italic
  • { family: 'Benton', suffix: 'regular'} - .benton-regular
  • { family: 'Benton', suffix: 'regular'} - .benton-bold
  • { family: 'Benton-Cond', suffix: 'regular'} - .benton-cond-regular
  • { family: 'Benton-Comp', suffix: 'regular'} - .benton-comp-regular


If you'd like to debug your HTML for accessibility and semantics, uncomment the debug.styl file in your config.styl. Documentation is available in debug.styl, however most items that are flagged are hoverable with information on what's wrong. Remember to comment it out again before pushing to prod!


Run gulp fetch-teaser to pull down the teaser information (based on urls in meta.json). This also pulls in the OG image from each file.

SEO and Analytics

Fill out data/meta.json, the bare minimum needed for seo, analytics, and business. In general, it's a good idea to consult with web editors on the best wording for the "title", "description" and "keywords" fields.

	"title": "Graphic title",
	"author": "Author name",
	"description": "Description of graphic",
	"keywords": "Comma, delimited, for, seo",
	"url": "https://apps.bostonglobe.com/graphics/path/to/graphic",
	"imageUrl": "https://apps.bostonglobe.com/graphics/path/to/image",
	"section": "Metro",
	"sectionUrl": "https://bostonglobe.com/metro",
	"credits": "",
	"teasers": [],
	"social": true,
	"meter": true, // If false, article is exempt from metering and meter assets do not show
	"socialConnect": true, // Show SocialConnect meter asset (shows even if undefined)
	"progressBar": true, // Show Progress Bar meter asset at bottom (shows even if undefined)
	"ads": false
  • credits text of who made this.
  • teasers: array of urls


In order for you to slot ads on the page, you must set the specific slots in data/meta.json as an array. For example:

	"ads": [

In order to display the ads, you must slot them using the base/base-ad-slot partials. Here are some examples:

{{> base/base-ad-slot ad="ad_lead1"}}


{{> base/base-ad-slot ad="ad_inarticle1"}}

and if you would like to show an overline to tell the user that what they're seeing is an advertisement:

{{> base/base-ad-slot ad="ad_inarticle2" overline="true"}}

Note: It's important that, when you choose to insert ads in an article, you place the lead1 at the top of the article and then place the 3 inarticle units in the correct order 1 through 3

Handlebars Helpers

Handlebars helpers exist for comparisons, iteration, and string manipulation. You can add your own handlebars helpers in src/html/helpers.

Usage examples

Greater than

Takes 2 parameters and compares if a > b. Outputs a block if true.

{{#greaterThan foo 0}}{{foo}}{{/greaterThan}}

Less than

Takes 2 parameters and compares if a < b. Outputs a block if true.

{{#lessThan results 1}}<p>No results found. Sorry!</p>{{/lessThan}}

If Equals

Takes 2 parameters and compares if a === b. Outputs a block if true.

<div class="foo {{#ifEquals hidden true}}hidden{{/ifEquals}}">...</div>


Takes 3 parameters (start number, end number, incremenation per iteration). Outputs blocks based on iteration count.

	{{#loop 1 10 1}}


Takes string, converts it to lowercase, and replaces spaces with hyphens

<div style='background-image: url("assets/lead/{{stringToUrl 'Part one Lead image'}}.jpg")'>


If a project is to be serialized with multiple articles, you can set up the functionality and architecture by choosing the Multipage option when generating a project with slush-globeapp.

File Structure

The main index file for a multipage project remains src/html/index.hbs.

To add subpages, create folders and handlebar files under src/html/multipage/ and their names will be reflected in the url.

For example:

|	 +--html
|	 		+--multipage
|				 +--part
|						+--one.hbs
|						+--two
|							 +--index.hbs

Will produce pages at /[section]/graphics/[year]/[month]/[graphic-name]/part/one and /[section]/graphics/[year]/[month]/[graphic-name]/part/two respectively.


A layout template is provided that sets up a page's HTML and is used as follows:

{{#> layout}}
	{{> graphic/your-partial-here}}
	{{> graphic/another-partial-here}}

This will render a full page's markup with the partial blocks nested within <main id="content"></main>


Metadata can be set up for each page by creating a new object in data/meta.json like so:

	"index": {...},
	"partOne": {
		"title": "Part One title",
		"author": "Author name",
		"description": "Description of part one",
		"keywords": "Comma, delimited, for, seo",
		"url": "https://apps.bostonglobe.com/graphics/path/to/graphic/part/one",
		"imageUrl": "https://apps.bostonglobe.com/graphics/path/to/image",
		"section": "Metro",
		"sectionUrl": "https://bostonglobe.com/metro",
		"credits": "",
		"teasers": [],
		"social": true,
		"meter": true,
		"socialConnect": true,
		"ads": false

And passing it to the layout template like the following:

{{#> layout meta.partOne}}
	{{> graphic/your-partial-here}}

Any undefined fields will default to the index object.

Other Notes

  • main.css, bundle.js, and critical.js are global for all subpages.
  • Asset paths should be absolute, referencing the config path. For example: /[section]/graphics/[year]/[month]/[graphic-name]/assets
  • gulp fetch-teaser will only pull from the teasers array in meta.index.
  • gulp fetch-methode still only outputs to one methode.hbs file.
  • Future enhancements will allow for more flexibility with the previous notes.


(Note: the apps directory will now be automatically created.)

Step 1: gulp

Step 2: publish assets

  • In Terminal, connect to shell (your username is usually first initial last name): ssh rgoldenberg@shell.boston.com.
  • Navigate to your graphic directory: cd /web/bgapps/html/[section]/graphics/[year]/[month]/[graphic-name].
  • Run the command upload * in the root and each subdirectroy. (ex. cd css, then upload * to upload all files in that folder).

Public url

  • https://apps.bostonglobe.com/[section]/graphics/[year]/[month]/[graphic-name]
  • A zipped archive is also pushed to apps. It has the full unminified code for the future when gulp and stuff are fossils.