
An app that simulates a credit form.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


An app that simulates a card register form.

In this project:

  • Input masks.

  • State management.

  • Regex Validation.

  • Dynamic Card Brands.

  • and more ...

Techs used:

  • Vite.

  • Vue 3.

  • Typescript.

  • Tailwind CSS.

  • IMask Plugin: vue-imask.

To be implemented:

  • Code formatting: ESLint + Prettier.

  • More Card brands.

How to run locally:

Simply clone this repo, on a terminal navigate to the project's folder and install dependencies with:

# using YARN
$ yarn

# using NPM
$ npm install

After project setup, run the dev script:

# using YARN
$ yarn dev

# using NPM
$ npm run dev

The project will be available to open on the browser via:


Layout on Figma™

Live Preview

Made with 💜 in the Rocketseat's event: ExplorerLab01.