
Front end face-off for creating a simple poc to talk through comparisons of front end frameworks.


As discussed at the previous SSDUG meeting let's build simple web apps to compare front end frameworks. As we know that Chuck Norris is the only one capable of facing off with himself, the project should consume the Chuck Norris Api located at https://api.chucknorris.io/. The project should include documentation describing the approach taken by the team in terms of the framework their application was built in.

Get involved

Please join us at our meetup Thursday, February 8th @ 7:00pm.

Join us on SSDUG Slack Join us


  1. Angular
  2. Vue.js
  3. React
  4. Open to any other team that would like to pull another front end framework approach to add to the comparison Preact, MS MVC, Python, Polymer, etc...


  1. As a designer, the UI must be built on Bootstrap 4.0.
  2. As a user, I must be able see the available categories from https://api.chucknorris.io.
  3. As a user, I must be able to select an available category, and retrieve a Chuck Norris joke from the selected category.
  4. As a classic javascript developer, I want to make a random joke appear every so many (5?) seconds on the website.
  5. As a boring developer, I want to be able to toggle the random joke train on/off with a stylish switch. (Must use a 3rd party component)
  6. As a user, I must be able to search jokes with free text
  7. As a user, I must be able to see an image of Chuck Norris or digital representation of Chuck Norris.


Points will be given for

  • Code cleanliness
  • FUNctionality 😎

