The code depends on the .nib file in being correct.
The nib file was generated in Interface Builder in a skeleton project in Xcode 5. It consists of a Window containing an NSView containing an NSOpenGLView
- the class of the NSOpenGLView is set to MacShadyGLView
- a referencing outlet from the NSOpenGLView goes to "delegate" of Window
- Constraints are add between the NSView and the NSOpenGLView
- Leading space to Superview
- Top Space to Superview
- Bottom space to Superview
- Trailing space to Superview
In order to have the shaders display I had
- I want this environment to come bundled with i.e. .o and .hi files are in there along with .conf files.
- The paths in these are absolute not relative.
- This will mean we have to patch the paths when installing the files.
- I also probably want to bundle GHC 7.6.3 with the too.
An alternative. You installed and then you run a setup file which makes sure that GHC is installed and the right version of Cabal and then installs all the required packages.
Q1. I had a torus displaying but it looked funny. First there was a circle kind of showing at one end and there was a strange stripey nature to it. I eventually worked out that it must be that the z test wasn't working properly.
A1. It turned out that I had not enabled a depth buffer in Cocoa's NSOpenGLView. I could have done this in the interface builder but instead I opted to override it in the awakeFromNib method.
I also had to set the right depthFunc using the Haskell OpenGL library.
depthFunc $= Just Less