
Google Drive helpers and utilities

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Helpful add ons via Scripts.

Google Docs - Date - gDocsDate.js

This is JavaScript to include date as an auto-updated field upon doc load. Access it after adding the script to Docs via Utilities > Insert Date.

Google Sheets - Google Maps function for directions in cells - gSheetsMap.js

This enables a function to insert directions into a cell based on an address in an other cell. =GOOGLEMAPS_DURATION($D$28,D18,"walking") where the first argument is an address (the from) and the second argument is the destination. The third argument is a string "walking", "driving", "bicycling" or "transit".

Google Sheets - Get a list of all your Google Drive files

This helps you organize your Google Drive files. It adds the =getMyFilesFromDrive function which lists out your Google Drive files with the following colums:

  • ["ID",
  • "Name",
  • "Url",
  • "Type",
  • "DateCreated",
  • "DateUpdated"

Google Sheets LinkedIn Search

Via https://www.lemlist.com/ghseet-hack

Query Linked In from a Google Sheet. Helpful for job searching. =getPerson(A2,B2) where A and B are company and title you are looking for. s

  • Create a spreadsheet wih:
  1. Column A, Row 1 titled Company
  2. Column B, Row titled Title getPeople results