
Visualising Neural Networks - MSc Thesis Project

Primary LanguagePython



virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirement.txt --allow-all-external

##Run Visualisation App

sudo python app.py

##Run Neural Network Run in the main project directory

python neural_net.py

The neural network can be changed, located in neuralNets directory


Located at: ./helpers/database/experiments

Change the control and display:

  • these are the parameters required for the visualisation: DOMselector, b64_imageArray, ControlX_coords, ControlY_coords, ControlNumber_coords, Control_Colour, dataLabels, tsneData, sensible_number_of_points


function meta_vis() {

  var meta_visd = new metaVis("#meta_vis", mnist_images,
                  DATA.LAYER, DATA.EPOCH,
                  DATA.LAYER.length, DATA.LAYER, 
                  DATA.TSNE_LABELS, DATA.TSNE_DATA, 500);
  return meta_visd;