A simple boinc container built on debian stretch (slim). This container will run the boinc client and by default connect into the world community grid. The default credentials are for richarvey and the weak key is provided. See "Running" for information on overriding these variables.
richarvey/boinc:latest - connects to the world community grid
It will run out the box with my "weak key" and no customisation.
docker pull richarvey/boinc
There are multiple ways to run the container
This will run the container and contribute to the container team:
docker run -d --name boinc richarvey/boinc:latest
To enable network connectivity in order to use boinccmd or boinc manager from another host:
docker run -d --name boinc -P richarvey/boinc:latest
Be warned this opens control of boinc up to anyone on the network without a password!
To run with your own credentials:
docker run -d --name boinc richarvey/boinc:latest <YOUR PROJECT URL> <YOUR KEY>
and with networking:
docker run -d --name boinc -P richarvey/boinc:latest <YOUR PROJECT URL> <YOUR KEY>
Please my container our team and help us contribute to the world community grid.
If you're not registered for the world community grid please do so here: