
This is a simple AHRS visualization that receives quaternions over OSC and visualizes the orientation by drawing a set of axes.

It expects the OSC messages to come in on port 10001, and the messages should be formatted as:

/orientation w x y z

Where w, x, y, and z are the quaternion components.

This project also includes a little PD patch that can send the quaternion components in the proper format so you can make sure things are working.


This makefile expects the project to be located in ${OF_ROOT}/apps/myApps, or at least that it is 2 levels below the OpenFrameworks root directory. You can also just set the variable OF_ROOT to point to your OpenFrameworks directory. You can set OF_ROOT in a file called config.make and it will override the default and is ignored from git tracking.

Then you should be able to build just by typing make. make run will run the compiled application, and open a window with some axes on it.