
A Python client for the Chain API

Primary LanguagePython


ChainClient is a client module for the Chain API.


Typically the starting place is the get function, which will go fetch a resource from the given root URL.

import chainclient

site_url = 'http://chain-api.media.mit.edu/sites/3'
site = chainclient.get(site_url)

site is an instance of HALDoc, which basically takes advantage of the hal+json format used by the Chain API to provide some convenience functions. For instance, resource attributes like the name of the site can be accessed with site.name.

Another feature of chainclient is that it will automatically go fetch related resources, but is smart enough to know not to fetch them if they were already provided by the server, or if they've been fetched previously. In general you should access related resources through the "rels" attribute, e.g.

devices_coll = site.rels['ch:devices']

which will go fetch the collection of devices in a site. The devices collection has a rel called 'items' that is the actual list of devices, you can iterate through the list as normal:

for dev in devices_coll.rels['items']:

Note that as you iterate through the collection it will automatically fetch new devices as needed. If you have the logging module set to DEBUG you can see logs of whenever the library fetches over HTTP.

You can create new resources as well, by adding them to any resource with a 'createForm' link, such as our friendly device collection here.

new_device_data = {'name': 'My Cool Device'}
resource = devices_coll.create(new_device_data)

Which will POST a new device to the collection and return the newly created HALDoc.

For specifics on the different resource types see the Chain API documentation