
A Full Stack Web Application to facilitate the management of a library. 📚

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Requirements for running

  1. Git
  2. Node.js
  3. NPM
  4. Yarn

Instructions for running

  1. Clone Code

    1. Open Terminal
    2. Install Git
    3. Go to directory
    4. git clone https://github.com/sai-k02/library-management-system.git
      1. Note: This will make a folder called "library-management-system"
  2. Install Dependencies

    1. Install Node.js
    2. Install Yarn
  3. Run Server

    1. Go to Server Directory
    2. Install Dependencies
      1. yarn
    3. Run Server
      1. yarn start
  4. Yarn config:

    1. Server:
      1. Include .env
      2. npx generate
      3. npx prisma db pull
    2. Client:
      1. Inspect -> Apllication -> Local Storage -> Clear (localhost:3000)


[x] - Project Inception (All members)

[x] - Turn in Part 1 (All Members)

[x] - Create initial SQL scripts (Srilokh)

[x] - Create PostgreSQL Docker Container Compose File (Srilokh)

[x] - Validate SQL Scripts with requirements (Jon, Srilokh)

[x] - Create independent javascript application to perform data normalization (Srilokh)

[x] - Create CRUD Operations with Node.js Express TypeScript Server (Srilokh)

[x] - Create Test Coverages for all CRUD operations ()

[x] - Implement Redux

[x] - Pages to work on (Books, Authors, Borrowers/Members, Loans, Fines)

[x] - Components(Books, Authors, Borrower Component, Loans(Table), Fines(Table))

[x] - Check requirements before deployment ()

[x] - Create Part 2 Submission Documents (Design Doc, Final Submission)

[x] - Mock Demo (Run through all requirements)

[x] - Final Turn in

Final Grade : A


Git Tutorial

Postman Collection

Great Example of Express Server

Prisma Client API



