
Watermarking against model extraction attacks in MLaaS. ACM MM 2021.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

DAWN: Dynamic Adversarial Watermarking of Neural Networks

This paper will appear in the Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2021.

This repo contains code that allows you to reproduce experiments for the watermarking scheme presented in DAWN: Dynamic Adversarial Watermarking of Neural Networks.

Link to the arxiv version

DISCLAIMER: provided source code does NOT include experiments with model extraction attacks. Usage and distribution of such code is potentially harmful and should be done separately at their authors' disclosure. Reach out (PRADA and Knockoff Nets).

Additionally, to simplify reproduction, experiments are slimmed down to MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets. GTSRB, Caltech, CUBS and ImageNet require manual downloads - while not difficult, it adds unnecessary complexity. However, in this repo we provide:

  • complete config files for experiments
  • victim models (MNIST and CIFAR10)
  • PRADA-stolen models (MNIST and CIFAR10)
  • watermarks to reproduce included experiments

Environment Setup

You need to have a working conda setup. Then you can a new env using provided environment.yml file:

conda env create -f environment.yml

and activate it:

conda activate dawn


source activate dawn

Running Code

Note that all scripts should be run from the root directory of this project.

Perfect Attacker

To run experiments that simulate attacker with perfect knowledge about the victim model, use main.py:

usage: main.py [-h] [--config_file CONFIG_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
  --config_file CONFIG_FILE     Configuration file for the experiment.

There are many config files in configurations/perfect that cover vanilla training as well as with regularization to prevent watermark embedding. You can run any of the experiments by specifying its corresponding .ini file, e.g.:

python3 main.py --config_file configurations/perfect/mnist-to-mnist-ws250-l5.ini

Note that we provide trained victim models for MNIST and CIFAR10, and you don't need to train them yourself.

Watermark Removal


Evaluation of the detection method is self contained in watermark_detection.ipynb. It covers MNIST, CIFAR10 and a ResNet variant of CIFAR10. We provide data from the logit layers (ground truth and watermarks) to conduct these experiments.

Noisy Verification

To run the experiments that evaluate resilience of the verification process to added perturbation use the noisy_verification.py script. We provide two attacker/surrogate models obtained using PRADA attacks as well as their corresponding watermarks.

usage: noisy_verification.py [-h] [--config_file CONFIG_FILE]
                             [--watermark WATERMARK] [--model MODEL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
  --config_file CONFIG_FILE     Configuration file for the experiment.
  --watermark WATERMARK         Path to the saved watermark Loader.
  --model MODEL                 Path to the saved model.


python3 noisy_verification.py \
--config_file configurations/noisy-verification/verification-cifar-prada-single-1000.ini \
--watermark data/scores/attacker_cifar_prada_l5_single_1000_watermark.pkl \
--model data/models/attacker_cifar_prada.pt


python3 noisy_verification.py \
--config_file configurations/noisy-verification/verification-mnist-prada-single-10.ini \
--watermark data/scores/attacker_mnist_prada_l5_single_10_watermark.pkl \
--model data/models/attacker_mnist_prada.pt

Results will printed in the terminal and saved in data/scores/verification.


To run the experiments that evaluate watermark's resilience to pruning use the prune.py script. We provide two attacker/surrogate models obtained using PRADA attacks as well as their corresponding watermarks.

usage: prune.py [-h] [--config_file CONFIG_FILE] [--watermark WATERMARK]
                [--model MODEL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
  --config_file CONFIG_FILE     Configuration file for the experiment.
  --watermark WATERMARK         Path to the saved watermark Loader.
  --model MODEL                 Path to the saved model.


python3 prune.py \
--config_file configurations/pruning/pruning-mnist-prada-single-10.ini \
--watermark data/scores/attacker_mnist_prada_l5_single_10_watermark.pkl \
--model data/models/attacker_mnist_prada.pt


python3 prune.py \
--config_file configurations/pruning/pruning-cifar-prada-single-1000.ini \
--watermark data/scores/attacker_cifar_prada_l5_single_1000_watermark.pkl \
--model data/models/attacker_cifar_prada.pt

Results will printed in the terminal and saved in data/scores/pruning.

Mapping Function

Experiments with the mapping function for the MNIST dataset are self-contained in mapping.ipynb.