SoundTouchJS is a JavaScript audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library, based on the C++ implementation of Soundtouch. The earliest implementation in JavaScript was written by Ryan Berdeen and later expanded by Jakub Faila. I have further expanded this library into a distributable package, refactored for es2015 development.
This package includes the getWebAudioNode
utility written by Adrian Holovaty, as
well as the user-friendly PitchShifter
wrapper from Jakub Faila.
You can easily install SoundTouchJS for use in your project:
npm install soundtouchjs
You can use whatever method you prefer to get your audio file, but once you have the data you must decode it into an AudioBuffer. Once you've decoded the data you can then create a new PitchShifter.
import {PitchShifter} from 'soundtouchjs';
const audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
const gainNode = audioCtx.createGain();
let shifter;
// here you retrieved your file with 'fetch' or a new instance of the 'FileReader', and from the data...
if (shifter) {; // remove any current listeners
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(buffer, audioBuffer => {
shifter = new PitchShifter(audioCtx, audioBuffer, 1024);
shifter.on('play', (detail) => {
// do something with detail.timePlayed;
// do something with detail.formattedTimePlayed;
// do something with detail.percentagePlayed
shifter.tempo = 1;
shifter.pitch = 1;
To begin playback you connect the PitchShifter
to the WebAudio destination (or another node), and disconnect it to
pause. It's important to note that the PitchShifter
is a pseudo-node, and cannot be connected to.
const play = function () {
shifter.connect(gainNode); // connect it to a GainNode to control the volume
gainNode.connect(audioCtx.destination); // attach the GainNode to the 'destination' to begin playback
An example has been included with the package to see some basic functionality. It has been written in pure javascript, but could easily be integrated with your favorite framework. To run the example:
npm run example
then open your browser to http://localhost:8080
. A royalty free music file is included under Creative Commons License
with this repository.
Music: "Actionable" from
This is a limited use license, and we do not grant any permissions beyond theirs. Please refer to their licensing for further information.
All core components of the package are available as separate entities for more advanced audio manipulations. See the source code for greater understanding.