
Command line image processing tool using GLSL shaders

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Command line image processing tool using OpenGL GLSL shaders.


Image import/export use OpenimageIO
Support all image file formats that support by OpenimageIO for import:

  • Camera RAWs (oiio compiled with libraw plugin)
  • OpenEXR
  • TIFF
  • PNG
  • JPEG
  • JPEG-2000 (oiio compiled with openjpeg plugin)
  • etc.
    Export for this moment limited to JPG, PNG, TIFF, TGA, HDR, EXR

On image import and export allow define OpenimageIO reading/writing options like:

For this moment support vertex, fragment and compute shaders in text and binary SPIR-V form

  • two files: shader.vert shader.frag
  • single file: shader.vertfrag
  • binary: shader.vert_spv shader.frag_spv\

For prototyping or in-house use text-based shaders are easier to manage, adapt and use without any loss of speed. But in case of possible distribution, some can prefer SPIR-V binary format shaders. They do not provide too much security and can be decompiled, but decompiling them can violate the license, and can be a useful choice if you have not planned to distribute your shaders as open source.

As a tool for image processing in mind RawGL for this moment supports (hardcoded) single quad and only isometric camera.

RawGL support multi-passes shaders.
That allows the run process from input images, export results as files to disk as well as pass this result to second and other shader passes.\

For example, it is possible to create multiple shaders to open camera RAW images, do a custom demosaic in the first shader, apply color correction and/or some image processings like denoise or sharpen in the next shader, and export results to disk, in same moment whithout leaving GPU VRAM pass this results to another shader or shaders that will compile normals or separate specular components from photometric stereo capture inputs. Or import spherical panoramas, decompose them into linear projections, and pass these projections to image processing pass for preprocessing and export to disk.

RawGL itself is not a batch tool and runs as one thread, but using windows CMD batch, PowerShell, or Python scripts it is possible to run RawGL in parallel as many as can allow your system and GPU memory. On multi-GPU systems, it is possible to clone RawGL binary and define GPU affinity to run a specific copy on a specific GPU and use batch scripts run multi-threaded on Multi-GPUs.
Native support for GPU affinity as a RawGL option is in the TODO list, but only if I found a usable way to do this. In that case, it will be possible to define GPU# in CLI. Before that only used Nvidia Control Panel and use specific RawGL binary.*


Required dependencies -- RawGL will not build without these

  • boost
    • boost-program-options
    • boost-log
  • openimageio
  • glfw (included in repo)
  • glad (included in repo)

Optional dependencies -- features may be disabled if not found

  • If you want support for camera "RAW" formats:
    • openimageio libraw plugin
  • If you want support for jpeg 2000 images:
    • openimageio openjpeg plugin

Building and Downloads

Please use MS Visual Studio 2022. For install dependencies easier to use VCPKG. Due to some bugs in some moments vcpkg ports can be broken, in that case, please use vcpkg reports.

Download Binaries

Compiling RawGL in MS VisualStudio is dumb and simple, but for better controling users feedback and bug reports, binaries will be available only through my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3DScan and maybe later through Gumroad. Premium examples and advanced tutorials as well as tailored support are available from Patreon too. Feel free to follow me there.

Known bugs and limitations

  • Windows registry required to change Video Driver delays from default settings (30~60 sec). Without this RawGL can silently drop processing or just crashing Please use gpu_delays.reg from tools/registry folder to change the required registry values. And restart the system before using RawGL.
  • No support for atomic counters and buffers yet (highest in priority in TODO list)
  • Compute shaders are less tested and probably missed a lot of features
  • No support for uniform arrays



Options Definition
-h [ --help ] Show help message
-v [ --version ] Show program version
-V [ --verbosity ] arg Log level (selection & above will be shown):
0 - fatal error only
1 - errors only
2 - warnings only
3 - info (default)
4 - debug
5 - trace
-P [ --pass_vertfrag ] arg New pass using vertex & fragment shaders (in GLSL or SPIR-V format):
--pass_vertfrag s.vert s.frag
--pass_vertfrag s.vertfrag
(sources separated with macros RAWGL_VERTEX_SHADER, RAWGL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)
--pass_vertfrag s.vert_spv s.frag_spv
(SPIR-V binary shaders)
-C [ --pass_comp ] arg New pass using a compute shader:
--pass_comp s.comp
-S [ --pass_size ] arg Output size of this pass (default 512x512px):
--pass_size X [Y]
X and Y can also reference the size of an input texture from any pass:
--pass_size Texture0::0 [Texture1::1]
-W [ --pass_workgroupsize ] arg Number of threads per work group in compute shader on each axis:
--pass_workgroupsize X [Y]
Must be equal to the 'local_size' layout constant inside compute shader.
-i [ --in ] arg Uniform pass index, name & value (numeric or texture path)
(e.g.: --in Texture0 BasicTex.png).
as output from #-pass: --in outTexture 0
Texture filtering and sampling:
min - Texture minification function:
l - GL_LINEAR (default)
mag - Texture magnification function:
l - GL_LINEAR (default)
wrps - Texture wrap s-axis:
ce - GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE (default)
wrpt - Texture wrap t-axis:
ce - GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE (default)
Uniform can be float, integer, boolean, vec/ivec/bvec 2/3/4,
matrices 2x2, 2x3, ... and 4x4
--in UniformBoolName True
--in UniformFloatName 0.1524654
--in UniformVec3 0.15 0.25 0.165
--in UniformMatx 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
-t [ --in_attr ] arg OpenImageIO/plugin attribute value
(e.g.: --in_attr oiio:colorspace sRGB).
Some used defaults
oiio:ColorSpace Linear
raw:colorSpace raw
raw:demosaic AAHD
raw:user_flip -1
raw:use_camera_wb 0
-o [ --out ] arg Shader output channel pass, name & path to save the processed image
(e.g.: --out OutColor output.jpg)
Must have a file name and extension, the extension will determine the ability to save the file with the necessary options.
The file will be recognized as:
BMP: *.bmp
PNG: *.png
JPEG: *.jpg, *.jpe, *.jpeg, *.jif, *.jfif, *.jfi
Targa: *.tga, *.tpic
OpenEXR: *.exr
HDR/RGBE: *.hdr
TIFF: *.tif, *.tiff, *.tx, *.env, *.sm, *.vsm
-f [ --out_format ] arg Output framebuffer format (default rgba32f):
r8, rg8, rgb8, rgba8,
r16, rg16, rgb16, rgba16,
r16f, rg16f, rgb16f, rgba16f,
r32f, rg32f, rgb32f, rgba32f
If format not support this bit depth OpenImageIO automatically convert to supported bit depth.
-r [ --out_attr ] arg OpenImageIO/plugin attribute value
(e.g.: --out_attr oiio:colorspace sRGB).
-n [ --out_channels ] arg # of channels in output image
-a [ --out_alpha_channel ] arg Alpha channel index hint for output image (-1 = off, 0-3 = RGBA).
-b [ --out_bits ] arg # of bits per output image channel
(depends on file format):
BMP: 8
PNG: 8, 16
Targa: 8, 16
OpenEXR: 16, 32 (half & float)
TIFF: 8, 16, 32 float


RawGL.exe" -V 3 ^
-P empty.vert EmptyLUT.frag ^
--pass_size 512 ^
--in img_size 512 ^
--in lut_size 8 ^
--out EmptyLUT EmptyLUT.png ^
--out_format rgb16 ^
--out_channels 3 ^
--out_bits 16 ^
--out_attr oiio:ColorSpace linear ^
--out_attr oiio:RawColor 1 ^
--out_attr oiio:nchannels 3 ^
--out_attr oiio:UnassociatedAlpha 2 ^
--out_attr png:compressionLevel 0

This command run EmptyLUT shader with Image Buffer size 512x512px and generate EmptyLUT.png GPULut texture 8x8x8 size. If you want 1024x1024px GPULut size with 16x16x16 3D Lut you can change pass size to 1024, set Uniform img_size to 1024 and Uniform lut_size to 16. Technically you can use any size of Image buffer and img/lut sizes. For example, this can be 1024x1024 buffer size but 512x512 and 8x8x8 LUT that will make 2x px upscaled image.

RawGL.exe" ^
--verbosity 5 ^
-P shaders\empty.vert shaders\pass1.frag ^
--pass_size 1024 ^
--in InSample inputs\EmptyPresetLUT.png ^
--out OutSample outputs\pass1.tif ^
--out_format rgb32f --out_channels 3 --out_bits 32 ^
--out_attr oiio:ColorSpace linear ^
--out_attr oiio:RawColor 1 ^
--out_attr oiio:nchannels 3 ^
--out_attr oiio:UnassociatedAlpha 2 ^
--out_attr tiff:compression ZIP ^
-P shaders\empty.vert shaders\pass2.frag ^
--in InSample2 OutSample 0 ^
--out OutSample2 outputs\pass2.tif ^
--out_format rgb32f --out_channels 3 --out_bits 32 ^
--out_attr oiio:ColorSpace linear ^
--out_attr oiio:RawColor 1 ^
--out_attr oiio:nchannels 3 ^
--out_attr oiio:UnassociatedAlpha 2 ^
--out_attr tiff:compression ZIP ^
-P shaders\empty.vert shaders\pass3.frag ^
--in _LOD 5 ^
--in InSample3 OutSample2 1 min ll ^
--out OutSample3 outputs\pass3.tif ^
--out_format rgb32f --out_channels 3 --out_bits 32 ^
--out_attr oiio:ColorSpace linear ^
--out_attr oiio:RawColor 1 ^
--out_attr oiio:nchannels 3 ^
--out_attr oiio:UnassociatedAlpha 2 ^
--out_attr tiff:compression ZIP

In this example RawGL will load image EmptyPresetLUT.png as InSample Uniform and process it in first pass1 shader. Results of this pass will be saved as 32bit float pass1.tif. Pass #2 will use Output from pass #1 as InSample2 Uniform using OutSample 0 directive and results from this pass will be saved as pass2.tif. Pass #3 will use Output from pass #2 as InSample3 Uniform using OutSample2 1 directive, compute mip-maps (min ll directive to make mimp-maps using linear interpolation) and after shader pass save output as pass3.tif.

More examples available in Exmples folder. And some more examples can be found in tests folder. Premium content can be found on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/3DScan


Copyright © 2022 Erium Vladlen.

RawGL is licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3. Individual files may have a different, but compatible license.