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Lab | SQL Join (Part II)

In this lab, you will be using the Sakila database of movie rentals.


  1. Write a query to display for each store its store ID, city, and country.
  2. Write a query to display how much business, in dollars, each store brought in.
  3. Which film categories are longest?
  4. Display the most frequently rented movies in descending order.
  5. List the top five genres in gross revenue in descending order.
  6. Is "Academy Dinosaur" available for rent from Store 1?
  7. Get all pairs of actors that worked together.


These questions are tricky, you can wait until after Monday's lesson to use new techniques to answer them!

  1. Get all pairs of customers that have rented the same film more than 3 times.
  2. For each film, list actor that has acted in more films.