
Throw in the towel.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


"It's a tough galaxy. If you want to survive, you've gotta know... where your towel is." - Ford Prefect

Towel is a C# .Net Standard libary intended to add much needed functionality that is missing in C# as well as redesign some aspects to bring the language up to modern standards.

Source Code: https://github.com/ZacharyPatten/Towel

Build Build Status

Many features are coded and working, but Towel is still in heavy development. It should be ready for its first release later this year.


Towel has fast generic mathematics functions.

Fundamental Operations

T Add<T>(T a, T b);
T Negate<T>(T a);
T Subtract<T>(T a, T b);
T Multiply<T>(T a, T b);
T Divide<T>(T a, T b);
T Modulo<T>(T a, T b);

More Numeric Mathematics

void FactorPrimes<T>(T a, Step<T> step);
T Factorial<T>(T a);
T LinearInterpolation<T>(T x, T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1);
T LeastCommonMultiple<T>(T a, T b, params T[] c);
T GreatestCommonFactor<T>(T a, T b, params T[] c);
LinearRegression2D<T>(Stepper<T, T> points, out T slope, out T y_intercept);


T Mean<T>(T a, params T[] b);
T Median<T>(params T[] values);
Heap<Link<T, int>> Mode<T>(T a, params T[] b);
void Range<T>(out T minimum, out T maximum, Stepper<T> stepper);
T[] Quantiles<T>(int quantiles, Stepper<T> stepper);
T GeometricMean<T>(Stepper<T> stepper);
T Variance<T>(Stepper<T> stepper);
T StandardDeviation<T>(Stepper<T> stepper);
T MeanDeviation<T>(Stepper<T> stepper);


Vector<T> V1 = new Vector<T>(params T[] vector);
Vector<T> V2 = new Vector<T>(params T[] vector);
Vector<T> V3;
T scalar;

V3 = -V1;                   // Negate
V3 = V1 + V2;               // Add
V3 = V1 - V2;               // Subtract
V3 = V1 * scalar;           // Multiply
V3 = V1 / scalar;           // Divide
scalar = V1.DotProduct(V2); // Dot Product
V3 = V1.CrossProduct(V2);   // Cross Product
V1.Magnitude;               // Magnitude
V3 = V1.Normalize();        // Normalize
bool equal = V1 == V2;      // Equal


Matrix<T> M1 = new Matrix<T>(int rows, int columns);
Matrix<T> M2 = new Matrix<T>(int rows, int columns);
Matrix<T> M3;
Vector<T> V2 = new Vector<T>(params T[] vector);
Vector<T> V3;
T scalar;

M3 = -M1;                               // Negate
M1 + M2;                                // Add
M3 = M1 - M2;                           // Subtract
M3 = M1 * M2;                           // Multiply
V3 = M1 * V2;                           // Multiply (vector)
M3 = M1 * scalar;                       // Multiply (scalar)
M3 = M1 / scalar;                       // Divide
M3 = M1 ^ 3;                            // Power
scalar = M1.Determinent();              // Determinent
M3 = M1.Minor(int row, int column);     // Minor
M3 = M1.Echelon();                      // Echelon Form (REF)
M3 = M1.ReducedEchelon();               // Reduced Echelon Form (RREF)
M3 = M1.Inverse();                      // Inverse
M1.DecomposeLowerUpper(ref M2, ref M3); // Lower Upper Decomposition
bool equal = M1 == M2;                  // Equal

Symbolic Mathematics

// From Linq Expression
Expression<Func<double, double>> exp1 = (x) => 2 * (x / 7);
Symbolics.Expression symExp1 = Symbolics.Parse(exp1);
Symbolics.Expression simplified = symExp1.Simplify(); // Simplification
symExp1.Substitute("x", 5);                           // Variable Subsitition

// From String
Symbolics.Expression symExp2 = Symbolics.Parse("2 * (x / 7)");
Symbolics.Expression simplified = symExp2.Simplify(); // Simplification
symExp2.Substitute("x", 5);                           // Variable Subsitition

Measurement Mathematics

Towel has measurement types to provide type-safe measurement mathematics with automatic unit conversion. Never make a unit conversion mistake again, and add a layer of mathematical validation to your code.

// Automatic Unit Conversion Example:
Angle<double> angle1 = new Angle<double>(90d, Angle.Units.Degrees);
Angle<double> angle2 = new Angle<double>(.5d, Angle.Units.Turns);
Angle<double> result1 = angle1 + angle2; // 270° 
// When you perform mathematical operations on measurements, any necessary unit conversions will
// be automatically performed by the relative measurement type (in this case "Angle<T>").

// Type Safeness Example:
Length<double> length1 = new Length<double>(2d, Length.Units.Yards);
object result2 = angle1 + length1; // WILL NOT COMPILE!!!
// The type safe-ness of the measurement types prevents the miss-use of the measurements. You cannot
// add "Length<T>" to "Angle<T>" because that is mathematically invalid (no operator exists).

Data Structures

Towel has many useful data structure. Especially the Omnitree, which is an SPT that work on any number of dimensions. It can be used to make a quadtree, octree, or SPT's with higher dimensions.

Heap<T> heap;
AvlTree<T> avlTree;
RedBlackTree<T> redBlackTree;
Omnitree<T, A1, A2, ... AX> omnitree; // (Quadtree, Octree, ...)
Tree<T> tree;
Graph<T> graph;


// Sorting

// Path Finding
// Note: overloads for both Greedy and A* algorithms
Search.Graph<NODE, NUMERIC>(...);


// System.Random extensions to generate more random types
// Note: there are overloads to specify possible ranges
string NextString(this Random random, int length);
char NextChar(this Random random);
decimal NextDecimal(this Random random);
DateTime DateTime(this Random random);
TimeSpan TimeSpan(this Random random);
long NextLong(this Random random);

// Type conversion to string as appears in C# source code
// Note: useful for runtime compilation from strings
string ConvertToCsharpSource(this Type type);
// Example typeof(List<int>) -> "System.Collections.Generic.List<int>"

string ToEnglishWords(this decimal @decimal);
// Example: 12 -> "Twelve"


You can chat the the developer(s) in Discord:

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Howdy! I'm Zachary Patten. I like making code frameworks and teaching people how to code. I only work on Towel in my free time, but feel free to contact me if you have questions and I will respond when I am able. :)