Student management system Click here to see the video
On page load fire an ajax request load json file and list on the student details in tabular format. a. Show only 10 record at a time b. Provide a dropdown with option to select 20, 50, 100 records to display
Once the ajax response is received. It needs to be saved in local storage as well.
List should intially show only firstname, lastname, email, location, phone, address and options to "show more details", "edit", "delete". once a change is made it should update the localStorage as well.
Above the list container create a form to add new students with all the details mentioned in the sample JSON. a. once a new student is added it should update the localstorage as well. b. Add form should provide option to add multiple locations. Use drag and drop to add multiple locations.
Provide a search form, so that the user can search students based on firstname, lastname, location and phone.
Once you finish all the above steps. Try to incorporate window.scroll event a. Once the window is scrolled right till the end you should fetch more objects from local storage and append it with the existing result b. Once all the data is displayed show “No more records” message and kill the stop the scroll event.