
The GitHub Link Checker. Monitor GitHub activity for links that aren't permanent, and do something.

Primary LanguageGo

GLC: The GitHub Link Checker

Monitor GitHub activity for links that aren't permanent, and do something.



go get github.com/sshaw/glc/...

Put $GOPATH/bin (assuming GOPATH has one path) in your PATH.


usage: glc  [-a token] [-d path] [-e name...] [-i name...]
			[-r name...] [-u name...] [-w seconds] command
Command must be one of:
  print		Print activity containing non-permanent links, include their permanent versions
  correct	Update the original event, replacing each non-permanent link with its permanent version
  comment	Create a comment on the event that includes the permanent version of each non-permanent link

  -a token          --auth=token			   GitHub API token, all activity will be performed as the associated user
  -d path	        --db=path				   Where to store the DB, defaults to $HOME/.glc/
  -e name[,name]    --event=name[,name...]	   Only process the named GitHub events
  -i name[,name]    --ignore-files=name[,name] Ignore links to these file's basenames

  -r name[,name...] --repos=name[,name...]	   Monitor the named repositories, name must be in user/repo format
  --include-repos=name[,name...]			   name can also be a file with one repository per line
  --exclude-repos=name[,name...]			   Do not monitor the named repositories, name must be in user/repo format
  											   name can also be a file with one repository per line

  -u name[,name...] --users=name[,name...]	   Monitor repositories owned by the given usernames name can also be a file
  --include-users=name[,name...]			   with one repository per line
  --exclude-users=name[,name...]			   Do not monitor repositories owned by the given usernames name can also be a
  	  										   file with one repository per line
  -w seconds        --wait=seconds			   Retrieve events every seconds seconds, defaults to 10

GLC monitors public GitHub events, polling for new events every -w seconds (default 10). Currently only these events are monitored: IssueEvent, IssueCommentEvent, PullRequestEvent.

If no token is specified then your IP will be substantially rate limited by GitHub. A token can be provided by the -a option or by setting the GLC_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable.

The correct and comment options require a token.

GLC will not detect problematic links in older events unless they're still in GitHub's event feed and the event has not yet been seen.


Only correct links in the repositories listed in repos.txt:

glc -a TOKEN -r repos.txt correct

Only leave comments on new issues that weren't created by users foo and bar:

glc -a TOKEN -e IssueEvent --exclude-users=foo,bar comment


  • GitHub hooks


Skye Shaw [skye.shaw AT gmail.com]


Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT