
Redact is a place to write articles

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Modular blog


About Redact

Redact is built with php and laravel. Redact is a place to write articles. Redact is suitable for developers who want to learn more about Laravel and know how to use technologies.


If you have docker,set up with it:


git clone https://github.com/idanieldrew/redact

cd modular-blog

# set environment
copy .env.example .env

# Start docker in os
docker-compose up --build

Without Docker

git clone https://github.com/idanieldrew/redact

cd modular-blog

# set environment
copy .env.example .env

# install composer
composer install



In docker-compose,I used RabbitMQ for queue driver for laravel,if you want use redis,pay attention environment. First,Running horizon

php artisan horizon

and then open this url:


In Kibana,I stored data and also stored logs with Filebeat and then transform with elastic


and then create dashboards and also run queue driver for transform post model to elastic.

php artisan queue:work //Pay attension queue driver


docker-compose exec redact_application php artisan test

Fake data

docker-compose exec weblog_application php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Database Description

Laravel is flexible in determining database but i performed

  • PostgresQL for main database
  • Redis for cache database
  • Elasticsearch for search posts(blogs)

Webserver Description

  • Nginx,because use php-fpm

Other Description

  • Use Kibana for dashboard and management elastic
  • Has continuous integration(GitHub actions)

Tips for developers

  • This project is modular,therefor it's content in "Modules" folder
  • I tried to ensure all services or modules have tests and their coverage is close to 100%,but you can also help to increase coverage tests
  • For language and translatable,I make a custom module(Lang).I got help form spatie package.this package gives you many possibilities,but i don't need all this.That's why i made this module.
  • Similarly, For Roles & permissions,I make a custom module(Role).I got help form spatie package. This package gives you many possibilities,but i don't need all this.That's why i made this module.
  • Use cache for queries(redis)
  • I tried to clean code so use Solid and Design patterns. If you have an idea to make the code cleaner,do a pull request.

Pull Requests

Thank you for investing your time in contributing to our project.