
scraps events data from gtj

Primary LanguageHTML






  • cd gtjevents && ptw

#Authors gtj-events-scraper was written by Sam Getz Sheftel


  • git push heroku master


  • heroku logs --tail
  • heroku logs -n 1500


  • Determine the email/account I will use for the app services*
  • Finish the Scraper
  • Validate the scraper
  • Setup events database on MongoHQ
  • Create v0.1.0 of the event data service API using Python and EVE
  • Add basic Authentication to the data service and restring all HTTP verbs except GET from calling the api without authentication
  • Deploy the events data service
  • Create the srapper worker dyno and integrate it with the data service
  • validate the scrapper is able to detect updates to events and new events*
  • Deploy the scrapper worker dyno to Heroku