- Go to
- Change the Artifact to "item-catalog"
- Select: web, acutator, devtools, jpa, h2, cache, lombok
- Click Generate
- Find the download, unzip and move to your workspace/repo folder
- Select the maven pom.xml and import
- Wait...
- Update the
- management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=*
- spring.datasource.platform=h2
- Select "run" to verify the app is running
- Hit the actuator
- http :8080/actuator/health
- Create a package "items"
- Create a class Item
- Add fields id, upc, name, size, lastModified
- Add Lombok - @Data, @NoArgs, @Entity and @Id (plus strategy Identity)
- Create a class ItemRepository
- extends JpaRepository<Item, Long>
- add method Optional getByUpc
- Create a class ItemController
- add @RestController
- add @GetRequest accepting UPC (not id)
- throw custom exception
- @ResponseStatus(code = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, reason = "The resource requested does not exist")
- Add data.sql
- Restart the application
- Test the endpoint
- http :8080/items/013764027053
- Add the @Cacheable annotation to the get method
- Add a println to demonstrate the cache miss
- Restart and test the endpoint
- Perform a get to show the cash miss
- Use gfsh to demonstrated that the value is in the region
- Perform a second get to now show its getting the value from cache