
Spark Stack is an tool for building web applications through an AI-powered chat interface. Create quick MVPs and prototypes using natural language prompts.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Spark Stack

Spark Stack is an tool for building web applications through an AI-powered chat interface. Create quick MVPs and prototypes using natural language prompts. [Blog Post]


Deploy on Railway


  • 🤖 AI-powered code generation
  • ⚡️ Real-time development environment
  • 🎨 Multiple arbitrary starter templates (see /images)
  • 👥 Team collaboration and management
  • 📝 Git version control
  • 🔄 Live preview
  • 🧠 Chain-of-Thought reasoning for complex asks
  • 🔌 Support for OpenAI and Anthropic models
  • 📱 Multi-page app generation
  • 📸 Sketch and screenshot uploads
  • 🚀 Deployment to GitHub (+ Netlify, Vercel, etc)
  • 🌙 Dark mode support
  • 🔗 Share chats and projects publicly
  • 💾 Prompt caching for cheaper responses
  • 🖥️ Virtual browser logs and screenshots for debugging


Environment Configuration

See backend/config.py for the environment variables that are used to configure the app.

  • Requires modal account to be created and configured.
  • Requires AWS account and s3 bucket to be configured.


  • cd frontend && npm install && npm run dev
  • cd backend && pip install -r requirements.txt && python main.py


Railway (docker + postgres).


LoC History

This project was a pressure test for writing code quickly with Cursor so I thought it was interesting to graph how it was built.


Red is my initial 2-day sprint to get an MVP (at this point it worked fully e2e but was a bit brittle). Dots are commits that I arbitrarily checkpointed as I was working on the project.