
The most current version of this application's code is available at http://github.com/sshillyer/randomancer-angular2. The most current live version of this app is at https://sshillyer.github.io/randomancer-angular2/


This is a Work in Progress.

  • Currently you can generate random Villains and export them to a JSON format and to a Markdown that is compatibile with homebrewery. See http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com
  • Check shawnhillyer.com/randomancer to see planned features


npm start

transpiles the code then runs the app in a browser

ng build --prod --base-href "https://sshillyer.github.io/"

Build the project for distribution at the URL given. Uses https://github.com/angular-buch/angular-cli-ghpages


Pushes the dist folder to the gh-pages branch of the github repository. Makes project available on the github.io page.